goparik comments, page 2

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17-April-2013 Wednesday
Hitler called the Russian people great, and you continue to believe in nonsense that he wanted to exterminate the Russians!

17-April-2013 Wednesday
Interesting facts about chemical elements.

17-April-2013 Wednesday
Good Russian stove

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Over 101 million unemployed in the US.

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Guess the country from the photo

16-April-2013 Tuesday
An elderly man at the Paris Cathedral Mosque kicks an activist from the Ukrainian feminist group Femen,

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Spring is here, folks!!!

16-April-2013 Tuesday

16-April-2013 Tuesday
Like a Boss ...

16-April-2013 Tuesday

16-April-2013 Tuesday
cat - sloupok)

15-April-2013 Monday
Cruel killing of animals!(18+)

15-April-2013 Monday
What good fellows!

15-April-2013 Monday
Revenge is sweet!

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