gogasqw comments, page 22

[22] [21] [1]

03-December-2024 Tuesday
A man said - a man did!

22-November-2024 Friday
Virtual conflict in "Tanks" ended in a real fight with an axe

16-November-2024 Saturday
Vorting63's answer to "Why rutube hasn't taken off and won't take off"

10-November-2024 Sunday
"Dogs attacked, help!": a Kazan resident called the rescue service a moment before her death

03-November-2024 Sunday
Mario 2024

12-October-2024 Saturday
Recommend a game!

12-October-2024 Saturday
I spent three days washing the cabin

11-October-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "The Naivety of Youth"

11-October-2024 Friday
It was very windy

26-September-2024 Thursday
Hybrid car, is there a catch?

25-September-2024 Wednesday
About the sore subject

24-September-2024 Tuesday
Response to the post "Russia has a low birth rate"

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