godmadeyouugly comments, page 5

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15-April-2017 Saturday
Record low prices for vegetables in Moscow

11-April-2017 Tuesday
How I bought $800 for a briefcase and made it myself.

06-April-2017 Thursday
Call from provider

02-April-2017 Sunday
Prank was a success

01-April-2017 Saturday
Chocolate chupa chups.

30-March-2017 Thursday
They started selling fake 2 liter bottles of Coca Cola in St. Petersburg

30-March-2017 Thursday
From the life of old girls

29-March-2017 Wednesday
always like this...

22-March-2017 Wednesday
exotic vegetables

22-March-2017 Wednesday
I have an idea: an encrypted message from a child

22-March-2017 Wednesday
About coffee

20-March-2017 Monday
Something like this

19-March-2017 Sunday
Heavenly fashion: how flight attendants from different countries dress

15-March-2017 Wednesday
Chelyabinsk driver, you are my idol.

14-March-2017 Tuesday
Baby chair.

14-March-2017 Tuesday
EU court upholds hijab ban at work

10-March-2017 Friday
Very serious BBC expert interview interrupted by his own children

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