gmmm comments

14-November-2016 Monday
When the teacher is a little lost.

06-November-2016 Sunday
Everything is relative!

06-September-2016 Tuesday
Customer representative.

11-August-2016 Thursday
Got used to the role

13-July-2016 Wednesday
And from our window

27-June-2016 Monday
I suspect a cockroach (or a mouse) tried to eat this cheap paint palette. He shat after himself with a rainbow

23-June-2016 Thursday
And briefly about adequate relatives ...

22-June-2016 Wednesday
Masturbation under antidepressants looks something like this -

15-June-2016 Wednesday
Here they bargained.

31-May-2016 Tuesday
What if...

24-March-2016 Thursday
Life truth

24-March-2016 Thursday
The TV presenter passed off the iPhone 5s as the new iPhone SE and listened to the delight of passers-by

16-January-2016 Saturday
Gratitude Above All
