glomzy posts, page 2

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10-October-2014 Friday
New design.

26-September-2014 Friday
The programmer crushed the bear on the "Niva"

12-September-2014 Friday
For programmers in the office posted instructions)

25-August-2014 Monday
"Timur, your size is increasing, but there is no end in sight"

22-August-2014 Friday
Pilaf on a fire.

06-August-2014 Wednesday
End of the working day.

09-June-2014 Monday
Department of system administration.

05-June-2014 Thursday
Schedule E3 2014 (Moscow time)

04-June-2014 Wednesday
That feeling when you have an empty head on any other day

02-June-2014 Monday
That same feeling when you see tons of different jokes that collect a bunch of pluses,

23-May-2014 Friday
This is how a real admin tambourine looks like, and not these handicrafts of yours.

22-May-2014 Thursday
How to distinguish a "sysadmin" from a system administrator.

01-April-2014 Tuesday

19-March-2014 Wednesday
"To switch to lucky mode..." From the description of the vi text editor.

11-February-2014 Tuesday
From the book "Vasily Zaitsev. There was no land for us beyond the Volga. Notes of a sniper."

20-January-2014 Monday
Iraqi Islamists Claim Responsibility for Explosions in Volgograd

13-January-2014 Monday
Pikabu does not like iPhones.

10-January-2014 Friday
How sites are blocked according to the "registry of prohibited sites".

10-January-2014 Friday
Come join us Catsville.

05-January-2014 Sunday
For the Motherland, for Stalin, for BORSCH and for LOVE

04-January-2014 Saturday
"Criminal Comments"

23-December-2013 Monday
Unknown Quote

29-November-2013 Friday
The 5 stages of a tech support mental state

21-November-2013 Thursday
Are they really fucking there?

18-November-2013 Monday
Be more human.

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