gershtulz comments, page 112

[113] [112] [111] [1]

15-February-2023 Wednesday
Environmental disaster in Ohio

13-February-2023 Monday
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Gaziantep (Turkey)

12-February-2023 Sunday
About home renovation

11-February-2023 Saturday
The building of the Chamber of Civil Engineers is one of the few buildings that survived

10-February-2023 Friday
Harry Potter and the Secret of the Oak Bath

09-February-2023 Thursday
Why did so many houses collapse in Turkey?

04-February-2023 Saturday
Builders run after Corvalol

04-February-2023 Saturday
New York subway horror

02-February-2023 Thursday
Yes, BUT (issue 12)

01-February-2023 Wednesday
"I've been in Azov for four years now. I'll find your daughter and..."

31-January-2023 Tuesday
Dogs on school grounds

31-January-2023 Tuesday
The Russian military caught a UAF drone on the fly and broke it with his bare hands

31-January-2023 Tuesday
Sergei Shamrin was thrown upside down into the detainee compartment and his neck was broken

29-January-2023 Sunday
Good question

29-January-2023 Sunday
MP from Poland: "Russia is a threat and it must be destroyed forever"

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