gerome comments, page 130

04-May-2022 Wednesday
Lviv residents got to the bottom of the Azerbaijani

09-April-2022 Saturday
Lessons from arestovich's dumbing down

07-April-2022 Thursday
On the Polish-Belarusian border, activists block trucks that carry goods to Russia

31-March-2022 Thursday
Convenient where it is inconvenient

31-March-2022 Thursday
The dollar is falling, but the price is not

30-March-2022 Wednesday
Meanwhile, they try to set it on fire from a different angle.

29-March-2022 Tuesday
Victory over globalism

29-March-2022 Tuesday
And why Abramovich?

28-March-2022 Monday
DHL says the cars in which the Ukrainian military was filmed were confiscated.

27-March-2022 Sunday
Maestro prepares for lustration

24-March-2022 Thursday
Basically, not much has changed in 200 years.

18-March-2022 Friday
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian showed how the West imagines the "international community"

17-March-2022 Thursday
A new trend has appeared - to damage computers from the Russian Federation
