gaoler comments, page 24

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22-March-2014 Saturday
key rings =)

19-March-2014 Wednesday
Decided to meet a girl in a supermarket

15-March-2014 Saturday

10-July-2013 Wednesday
suffrage parking)

06-December-2012 Thursday
Pikabushniki let's meet!

27-November-2012 Tuesday
Continuation of the theme \"Especially for \"Forever Alone\'s\" \"

16-July-2012 Monday
Mom is a person who will find a thousand arguments against when you consider yourself shit.

15-July-2012 Sunday
Forever Alone

21-June-2012 Thursday
But it's true ...

19-June-2012 Tuesday
The main thing is to be comfortable playing))

03-June-2012 Sunday
Not on such a scale, of course, but the season is open =)

23-May-2012 Wednesday

23-May-2012 Wednesday
Smoking kills

10-May-2012 Thursday
Love no matter what

20-April-2012 Friday

13-April-2012 Friday
It’s doubly unpleasant if you notice such a fail in your boss’s office))

06-April-2012 Friday
romantic men still exist!

30-March-2012 Friday
Ministry of Happiness

08-March-2012 Thursday
seducing a guy

06-March-2012 Tuesday
Nowhere to go in the evening?

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