ganjawars posts

11-June-2019 Tuesday
This puzzle is harder than the script for season 8

14-December-2018 Friday
Cats and food

11-April-2015 Saturday
horse theft

05-April-2015 Sunday
What is quickly raised does not count as fallen?

02-April-2015 Thursday
Two morons is power

12-February-2015 Thursday
How is it not?!

27-January-2015 Tuesday
Gave pencils

05-January-2015 Monday
Klitschko congratulated the people of Kiev

11-September-2014 Thursday
Pikabu ^^

07-September-2014 Sunday
Ghost rider

01-September-2014 Monday
Not new at all, just beautiful and not about school

01-July-2014 Tuesday
I have never seen the sea...

29-June-2014 Sunday
Everyone can steal, the state treats

28-June-2014 Saturday
