best comments
Bulgarian karma
Oh, fsyo
Idiocracy at its finest
The girl shows off her long hair
Reply to the post “You won’t believe it. Adam Kadyrov was given another medal"
It is in vain that they say that taste in clothes is not important
Reply to the post “The Real Elite”
Some will like it, some won't, but today he has a birthday!
17th ward
They know better how to
Nostalgia for the USSR
Am I the only one who thinks so?!
Nic.ru, well @ b your mother
The judge, who distorted the essence of justice, dies
Miss Zimbabwe
The Real Story of Joan of Arc
Need legal assistance on appeal
Intact 2,000-year-old tomb of Cerberus discovered in Italy
Anecdotes from the lives of great mathematicians
Did Nosov steal his Dunno?
Fresh facts from the life of Plato! “Time machine” started working
The girl asked what she should do when people are swearing all around her, and received answers
What kind of device is this? Who knows?
On the topic: juicy service in the army