furiejiento comments

02-January-2020 Thursday
Tomorrow we're going to get a tattoo

18-November-2019 Monday
Design with a story (together with the client we came up with phrases in a fictitious alphabet)

07-November-2019 Thursday
The design is painted with fabric paints (the paint does not wash off after washing), the kisses are made with the imprint of my lips.

16-October-2019 Wednesday
Denim shirt design (the pattern was made with lip prints)

08-October-2019 Tuesday
T-shirt design (handmade, used acrylic paints for the fabric)

07-October-2019 Monday
Customization of clothes (the drawing was made with imprints of my lips)

06-October-2019 Sunday
Pendant: "alien life form"

17-July-2019 Wednesday
The Gulf of Finland

20-February-2019 Wednesday
Untitled...or how I'm losing the last one.

26-April-2018 Thursday
Spring exacerbation.

13-December-2017 Wednesday
Hello Pikabu.
