frogontog posts

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25-October-2016 Tuesday
When there's nothing left to complain about

19-October-2016 Wednesday
Reasons for pride

13-October-2016 Thursday
Banks are boring

12-October-2016 Wednesday
special kind

07-October-2016 Friday
He is beautiful.. the center

27-September-2016 Tuesday
Well, look, what is it? Yes Yes...

14-September-2016 Wednesday

10-September-2016 Saturday
When you get 5 in marketing

09-September-2016 Friday
But they warned

08-September-2016 Thursday
Since such a booze has gone .. here is a photo from my work

08-September-2016 Thursday
When you work at night. And you are learning.

01-September-2016 Thursday

23-August-2016 Tuesday
Yes, you all know

14-May-2016 Saturday
Went to read..

25-March-2016 Friday
New chapter. behind the scenes

22-March-2016 Tuesday
Folk recipes

22-October-2015 Thursday
Mama-Ama-crime (c)

20-October-2015 Tuesday
Came to get a job. I think he should have gone to mclonalds

17-October-2015 Saturday
How Not to Confess to Cheating

15-October-2015 Thursday
Good morning

14-October-2015 Wednesday
I work in a wholesale warehouse. Just a children's liquid candy "Children's tornado, Share with friends" Selling up like hot cakes

14-October-2015 Wednesday
How people change

10-July-2015 Friday
Wisdom post

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