fox3377 comments, page 44

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04-March-2024 Monday
Answer Myr0slava in “About medicine. Where did we take a wrong turn?”

03-March-2024 Sunday
About medicine. Where did we take a wrong turn?

03-March-2024 Sunday
Why does inflammation on a tooth need to be treated, even if it doesn’t hurt?

24-February-2024 Saturday
Prospects for the medical system in the Russian Federation

15-February-2024 Thursday
Continuation of the post “In the Bataysk hospital, doctors locked a patient with two children in a ward”

03-February-2024 Saturday
Straight to heaven, under the bridge, like Chkalov! 02/03/2024

03-February-2024 Saturday
As you call a doctor, so...and you will be treated)

11-January-2024 Thursday
Konstantin Yuryevich Khabensky turns 52 today!

25-November-2023 Saturday
If the car pulls to the side for no apparent reason, clearly

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