07-August-2012 Tuesday
I owe about 17,000 rubles to Sussky Standard Bank...
07-August-2012 Tuesday
A photo I won't show to anyone...
02-August-2012 Thursday
Guys, I'm jumping!
02-August-2012 Thursday
Battle of jokes
21-July-2012 Saturday
Toys seller
02-July-2012 Monday
29-June-2012 Friday
That very moment ...
29-June-2012 Friday
If on top of the world, then on the roof of this skyscraper...
27-June-2012 Wednesday
VIDEO: making giant soap bubbles
23-June-2012 Saturday
Crocodile is such a crocodile..
24-March-2012 Saturday
Omsk guys walk for a walk
27-February-2012 Monday
\"This is what my father found when he sawed down a birch\"
24-February-2012 Friday