flatonfloor comments

[74] [2] [1]

31-July-2015 Friday
Ufa trolleybus

30-July-2015 Thursday
Degrasse Tyson On Newton.

24-July-2015 Friday
Arnie on other daughters.

24-July-2015 Friday
I've been thinking about this morning...

21-July-2015 Tuesday
Infographics of genius people sleep

21-July-2015 Tuesday
When your life is full of doubt

16-July-2015 Thursday
There are 3 types of people on this planet

14-July-2015 Tuesday
The story of how you begin to appreciate the small

13-July-2015 Monday
I encounter this every time.

09-July-2015 Thursday
A new image of Sherlock Holmes and Watson has been developed for the BBC television series.

08-July-2015 Wednesday
Is my Michelle a FOOL?

06-July-2015 Monday
"Nineties, my birthday, 40 years..."

04-July-2015 Saturday
I am a queen or a story of betrayal. Part 2

03-July-2015 Friday

03-July-2015 Friday
A thought popped into my head and it's haunting...

02-July-2015 Thursday
When your weight is 43 kg with a height of 170

02-July-2015 Thursday
This guy saved a girl who fell from the balcony, here he is a real super hero.

01-July-2015 Wednesday
The fans will appreciate it.

17-November-2011 Thursday
Emily Rudd

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