17-February-2024 Saturday
Well, here I am 50!
02-February-2024 Friday
24-January-2024 Wednesday
The third gender in Russia!
11-January-2024 Thursday
LED lamps with mini lenses
28-December-2023 Thursday
How to “fill” correctly
26-December-2023 Tuesday
Have you noticed?
26-December-2023 Tuesday
The weather in Yekaterinburg is amazing!
20-December-2023 Wednesday
Collection of quotes
20-December-2023 Wednesday
If only my wife didn't see
13-December-2023 Wednesday
6 gold medals in 5 days: Russian welders won the World Championships in China
13-December-2023 Wednesday
No one was spared
11-December-2023 Monday
Test of different brands of vodka for resistance to Yakut frosts
11-December-2023 Monday
Exchange for a one-room apartment in Voronezh
10-December-2023 Sunday
Stuntman training
07-December-2023 Thursday
And again about "The Boy's Word"
07-December-2023 Thursday
Meeting with a fellow tribesman
05-December-2023 Tuesday
It is a masterpiece
28-November-2023 Tuesday
A real gentleman
27-November-2023 Monday
Again the old song from the military registration and enlistment office
24-November-2023 Friday
Reply airaleais in “A woman from the Duma shouted loudly several times “we don’t vote” and one of the parties abstained from voting on the “fair price” bill”