filoso comments

20-February-2018 Tuesday
Crimea. Vorontsovsky park. January 2, 2018

15-February-2018 Thursday
Spring in February. Crimea. Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

14-February-2018 Wednesday
First spring flowers.

23-November-2016 Wednesday
Fishing on the Don

22-April-2016 Friday

18-April-2016 Monday
I'm a pedestrian

07-April-2016 Thursday
“Actually, I can do better,” God said after he created the beaver

16-March-2016 Wednesday
Women, such women..

16-March-2016 Wednesday

06-November-2015 Friday
What do they feed soldiers in the armies of various countries of the world

31-October-2015 Saturday
Hidden mini-bar!

22-February-2015 Sunday
A day in the life of a student.
