feruzo comments, page 9

10-December-2024 Tuesday
Junk from Avito

09-December-2024 Monday
Neighbors called the police to report children riding on the road. Police:

03-December-2024 Tuesday
And when the sea is rough and a hurricane is raging...

30-November-2024 Saturday
Yandex is the bottom!

27-November-2024 Wednesday
Yandex first deceived, and now it is trying to rob

25-November-2024 Monday
Three-flower for luck

25-November-2024 Monday
And I moved to St. Petersburg

25-November-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "If your car was stolen in Butovo"

23-November-2024 Saturday
We decide how many days there are in a year

20-November-2024 Wednesday
List of complaints against Yandex

17-November-2024 Sunday
About air defense

16-November-2024 Saturday
My neighbor keeps showing up at my house uninvited.

12-November-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post "I found a laptop and 100 thousand rubles"
