econwho comments

08-December-2022 Thursday
Ukraine: The Economy of War (Part 1)

24-October-2022 Monday
The energy crisis of 1973 (Part 2): how did it affect economics?

24-October-2022 Monday
Energy Crisis: Has There Been Something Like This Before? It was! Analysis from the point of view of the theory of economics (Part 1)

07-October-2022 Friday
Belarus Introduces a Price Ceiling: An Analysis from an Economic Theory Perspective. Could it have been otherwise?

02-September-2022 Friday
Just (September 2) Gazprom announced the complete closure of Nord Stream

23-August-2022 Tuesday
An inflationary spiral in Europe: is it inevitable?

11-August-2022 Thursday
Rosstat reported on deflation at 1% in annual terms for the first week of August

31-July-2022 Sunday
Capital outflow from Russia increased 3.6 times in 2022 (but what does that mean?). Spoiler: not what you think

26-July-2022 Tuesday
Gazprom announced a reduction in supplies via Nord Stream by another 2 times: up to 20% of capacity
