ebugusejnov comments, page 2

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21-June-2023 Wednesday
Briefly about those who left

25-May-2023 Thursday
If you really get mad, then the whole family)

21-May-2023 Sunday
Seaman's life insurance - or how not to get compensation for injuries (part two)

22-April-2023 Saturday
But we are not pida * sy!

21-April-2023 Friday
A terrible story ... But what is valuable - people remain people!

17-April-2023 Monday
Continuation of the post “Deputy Wasserman proposed to oblige Russians to report to the Federal Tax Service on keeping cash in excess of 1 million rubles”

15-April-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post "Classic forever"

15-April-2023 Saturday
Woman Moment

16-March-2023 Thursday
A locksmith from the village of Gorki-25 (Moscow region) poured gasoline on 4 people in the building of the management company, and then set fire to it with a homemade flamethrower

16-March-2023 Thursday
The choice is obvious

16-March-2023 Thursday
Against the backdrop of Valberis strikes

09-March-2023 Thursday
In Berlin, women were allowed to swim with bare breasts...

06-March-2023 Monday
Dog in Mir TV studio

27-February-2023 Monday
China knows everything about its citizens

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