dushevnaya posts

24-June-2018 Sunday
Work for schoolchildren

17-May-2015 Sunday
A net with such a wonderful name was caught at the World Taekwondo Championship :)

06-May-2015 Wednesday
Oh those mothers

26-April-2015 Sunday
A guide for those who still decided on the first tattoo

25-April-2015 Saturday
It was a typical English class with a sixth grader.

09-April-2015 Thursday
As I did not point out to my friend that it is impossible to read what she writes,

05-April-2015 Sunday
My brother 10 years ago decided to try his hand at poetry. Soon he will be 16, and he is very ashamed of this creation)

04-April-2015 Saturday
This Schnitzel was at 2 months old, and turned into such a red muzzle after 2 years.

02-April-2015 Thursday
And minibuses know a lot about memes

14-March-2015 Saturday
If the children do not have toys at hand

10-March-2015 Tuesday
I rarely get lucky

01-March-2015 Sunday
Orthodox Church of Ukraine in New York

14-January-2015 Wednesday
Just sitting on the phone

09-January-2015 Friday
Able to attract attention

16-November-2014 Sunday
I will give it to good hands

15-November-2014 Saturday
Lena Patrusheva found dead. http://chelyabinsk.ru/text/newsline/866079.html

03-November-2014 Monday
I read The Great Gatsby...

03-February-2014 Monday
Useful advice
