dred0791 comments

17-August-2014 Sunday
I wanted to take a picture of the lightning...

17-August-2014 Sunday
A small cry from the heart, because it has accumulated.!!!

17-August-2014 Sunday
That feeling ...

16-August-2014 Saturday
I was sitting on a peekaboo when all of a sudden.

16-August-2014 Saturday
There was a brutal murder on Friday night in Perm

16-August-2014 Saturday

16-August-2014 Saturday
Women's joys

16-August-2014 Saturday
Peekaboo, help me remember!

16-August-2014 Saturday
Let everyone see

16-August-2014 Saturday

10-August-2014 Sunday
wow wow take it easy

09-August-2014 Saturday
One less question

05-August-2014 Tuesday
I am interested in your opinion
