drMorbi comments

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10-February-2020 Monday
About the features of star fever

02-February-2020 Sunday
unknown creature

10-September-2019 Tuesday
"I saw Lenin..."

30-August-2019 Friday
Climate change creates a reality cleaner than fairy tales

28-August-2019 Wednesday
When social advertising is good

28-August-2019 Wednesday
We just missed a wife...

08-August-2019 Thursday
We feel different

21-July-2019 Sunday
Apocalypse in Yekaterinburg.

03-July-2019 Wednesday
Hamster Hell Dante

22-May-2019 Wednesday
But the main thing is hygiene, of course.

14-May-2019 Tuesday
But honestly

26-March-2019 Tuesday
Features of national coffee

17-March-2019 Sunday
Favorite song

19-February-2019 Tuesday
The original way to rent an apartment

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