dostoeffskiy posts

31-May-2017 Wednesday
About strange people on Ladoga.

20-May-2017 Saturday
About how they kicked us out of the parking lot.

13-April-2017 Thursday
About medicine in the army 2.

12-April-2017 Wednesday
About medicine in the army.

11-April-2017 Tuesday
Like no one believed me.

09-March-2017 Thursday
About how I mentally said goodbye to the dog.

08-March-2017 Wednesday
How they took me for a bum.

02-March-2017 Thursday
If you can't, don't take it.

28-February-2017 Tuesday
How I got "taken" for armed robbery.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
How I almost hit 100,000.

08-February-2017 Wednesday
Curiosity on the zoosphere.

07-February-2017 Tuesday
Like my dog, he cosplayed Wolverine.

02-February-2017 Thursday

29-January-2017 Sunday
Street musician.

15-November-2016 Tuesday
School grievances.

15-November-2016 Tuesday

08-November-2016 Tuesday
Everyone is a fireman.

02-November-2016 Wednesday
Vasya at the construction site.

31-October-2016 Monday
Vasya at the construction site.

10-October-2016 Monday
Vasya is an alcoholic.

10-October-2016 Monday
Vasya and the dentist.

01-October-2016 Saturday
Morning is never good.

28-September-2016 Wednesday

16-May-2016 Monday
Raven Rurik.
