dorzear posts

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31-January-2016 Sunday
I'll give it for free ... Or for rent

26-January-2016 Tuesday
Oil price developments since 1990 Dossier

09-January-2016 Saturday
Due to the many posts and information about Germany and others like them ... Well, about the girl ...

06-January-2016 Wednesday
Just wondering...

30-December-2015 Wednesday
Taking advantage of Electricians Week on Peekaboo with some professional humor

29-December-2015 Tuesday
Guys broke my whole head, my eyes hurt, I'm tired of looking

25-December-2015 Friday
Merry Christmas

11-December-2015 Friday
It's cool though... To watch the Star Wars trailer, I had to... watch the Star Wars trailer.

11-October-2015 Sunday
Enough guys!!!

08-October-2015 Thursday
In connection with recent events (for fans of World of Tanks)

13-July-2015 Monday
It seems to me or ...

08-July-2015 Wednesday
Galya Vinograd - Oonnyohor Buoluma feat.

24-June-2015 Wednesday
"Father-Well Done" or how I will watch (take care, feed, educate) my son alone, for 16 days

08-May-2015 Friday
strange thing

24-April-2015 Friday
And again the blatant Mikhalkov

08-April-2015 Wednesday
By the way...

07-April-2015 Tuesday
Cauldron in a separate cauldron in hell inside hell

29-March-2015 Sunday
About shopping

13-March-2015 Friday
Resentment post

01-March-2015 Sunday
I personally think that history is cyclical

24-February-2015 Tuesday
Latest trends ... I'm afraid what will happen next

23-February-2015 Monday
It became unrealistic to play tanks without prem.

16-February-2015 Monday
Extract from the diary 02/17/2015

01-January-2015 Thursday
Flying New Year!

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