dombrist comments, page 2

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01-September-2015 Tuesday
A selection of successful shots from MAKS-2015

01-September-2015 Tuesday
The laptop broke, I took it from my husband.

16-August-2015 Sunday
A tale of Gnoidodyr, the highest demon of Nurgle.

08-August-2015 Saturday
1981-1989 in computer games.

07-August-2015 Friday
"Wet and carrot..."

04-August-2015 Tuesday
One fan's dream

31-July-2015 Friday
Soyuzmultfilm decided to compete for an Oscar.

31-July-2015 Friday
Hackers have learned how to hack a homing rifle

29-July-2015 Wednesday
Everyday life of a programmer 7

27-July-2015 Monday

11-July-2015 Saturday
Cosplay "Attack on Titan"

01-June-2015 Monday
Practical shooting. General information.

31-May-2015 Sunday
Created a long post about the Korean year.

31-May-2015 Sunday
A place for a sob.

07-May-2015 Thursday
Counter strike

03-May-2015 Sunday
A small discussion between a Russian and an American in the comments to a post about World War II.

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