dnbtrain comments, page 2

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17-August-2018 Friday
A mean old woman from Novokuznetsk stopped the trams for two hours.

14-August-2018 Tuesday
Yes, it's Sanya!

11-August-2018 Saturday
The chicken hung himself...

08-August-2018 Wednesday
What does time look like

08-August-2018 Wednesday
They brought the child

07-August-2018 Tuesday
Cruel and treacherous women

31-July-2018 Tuesday
Guys, are you alive at all?

18-July-2018 Wednesday
Family of idiots

05-July-2018 Thursday
"My daughter is going to get married, gifts should be prepared. Put 20 thousand rubles in an envelope from you, you are rich, master it"

06-June-2018 Wednesday

05-June-2018 Tuesday
They often call and get the wrong number, ask Gena

18-May-2018 Friday
Free Wi-Fi

20-April-2018 Friday
Mood - Bear would give someone in the face

19-April-2018 Thursday
Mood - Bear with a wheel

15-April-2018 Sunday
Gift for a programmer.

14-April-2018 Saturday
Bypass Telegram blocking via Tor

09-March-2018 Friday
Help identify the device

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