djonidg comments, page 2

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21-September-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “About the Russian community”

04-July-2023 Tuesday
Why you should not go on vacation in Sochi

22-February-2023 Wednesday
How Alfa Bank can block the return from the CSN for 30 days and he doesn’t give a fuck about you! Continuation!

31-January-2023 Tuesday
Sberlogistics - who works there?

31-January-2023 Tuesday
How I assembled a normal SFF PC from a hodgepodge (2020)

01-December-2021 Wednesday
Crayfish. It all ended very quickly

25-August-2021 Wednesday
Swimmer Anastasia Gontar brought third gold at the Paralympics

14-May-2021 Friday
Motivational, oncological kick!

16-December-2015 Wednesday
Top 5 creepy movies about demons and ghosts

15-December-2015 Tuesday
Google is a troll

19-November-2015 Thursday
Table of exercises with own weight for various muscle groups

16-October-2015 Friday
It is funny and sad at the same time. Stupidity on the part of the STOPHAM movement Khabarovsk

24-July-2015 Friday
Burmese snub-nosed monkey, or Rhinopithecus Stryker (lat. Rhinopithecus strykeri)

14-July-2015 Tuesday
5 reasons to eat more meat and make a "base":

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