best comments
Savvy of the day. The courier spat on the pizza while delivering it to the customer.
You should check your lungs...
This is complete clownery!
Savvy of the day. The courier spat on the pizza while delivering it to the customer.
He wasn't ready for this
Savvy of the day. The courier spat on the pizza while delivering it to the customer.
More deceivers
Savvy of the day. The courier spat on the pizza while delivering it to the customer.
"Thieves" pass checkpoints
Quarantine is such a quarantine
The answer to the question “why self-isolation doesn’t work”
Savvy of the day. The courier spat on the pizza while delivering it to the customer.
Savvy of the day. The courier spat on the pizza while delivering it to the customer.
Prevention according to Moscow
Batch stories. It's always been like this
Tasty and quite a lot
Not your own game
Savvy of the day. The courier spat on the pizza while delivering it to the customer.
Orthodox Christians demand opening of churches for Easter
A little creativity for the New Year
Reply to the post “Bulletin of Non-Self-Isolation”
Hmm, well, let's go guys...