dimanduc1 comments

24-April-2020 Friday
Lightning strike - what happens if struck by lightning? What are the chances of this happening to you? What to do if this happens?

05-August-2019 Monday
Phone line stopped working

04-May-2019 Saturday
A selection of photos of the most beautiful Russian actresses)

03-May-2019 Friday

03-May-2019 Friday
He was just afraid of the night...

03-May-2019 Friday
Wildflowers (2019)Watercolor

03-May-2019 Friday
Why doesn't a vegan woman scream during orgasm?

03-May-2019 Friday
My son, after trying to go downstairs after washing his hands. Just hanging there... helpless...

03-May-2019 Friday
Energy drinks: harm is not harm

27-April-2019 Saturday
Awesome Neighbors
