best comments
Challenge accepted!) Part 2
Balian's hard choice
But it doesn't work! Or why Covid restrictions are all window dressing
Poklonskaya's confessor was banned from preaching
Very fast and very compact: Monolinux
2019-1963 One to one. I found a poster from 1963 as 2019, one to one. I decided to share. It’s not for nothing that I kept it for 66 years.
Barber Tetris Challenge
Technological process of manufacturing a part
Congratulations to everyone who was born on September 4th!
Made me cry
How I found a way to track all Citymobil drivers
First professional photo shoot of famous actors and actresses
She was not afraid to speak out and ended up at a reception with the minister
Dresden lace porcelain
Great way out
However, nothing new
Little events and little people
Munch's Scream made from 1102 plastic caps
Cat stuck in store wall rescued after two years
How I found a way to track all Citymobil drivers