dfjkcg comments, page 2

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07-May-2019 Tuesday
The woman was accused of stealing 500 rubles after she returned the lost 18 thousand rubles to the owner

30-April-2019 Tuesday
Lyrooooo Jaeeeenkins!!!!!!!!!!

14-April-2019 Sunday
The League of Thrones congratulates Peekaboo on the upcoming Game of Thrones season 8 and warns - spoilers are coming!

08-April-2019 Monday
Everything needs to be reviewed

08-April-2019 Monday
(130/366) April 8 - International Roma Day.

05-April-2019 Friday
Apple offers to engrave when ordering headphones. Hmm...

04-April-2019 Thursday
About stereotypes.

03-April-2019 Wednesday
Turing test for online translator

03-April-2019 Wednesday
Read "War and Peace"? And I rewrote...

02-April-2019 Tuesday
The plot of Cyberpunk 2077 allows everything except the death of the protagonist

01-April-2019 Monday
Your Hodor at

28-March-2019 Thursday
Snowdrifts in Novosibirsk

25-March-2019 Monday
Features of life with a big belly

21-March-2019 Thursday
Knock Knock.

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