deynega comments

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09-November-2014 Sunday
Hate time.

08-November-2014 Saturday
Ukraine strong

08-November-2014 Saturday
"Death to your own" - Leonid Kornilov

08-November-2014 Saturday
No trial or investigation.

07-November-2014 Friday
About dollar

06-November-2014 Thursday
Here, let's be honest, without offense and ethnic hatred, you Russians do not have the spirit to say something to a Caucasian in the face.

04-November-2014 Tuesday
ABC of Russian provincials.

16-October-2014 Thursday
How to behave when drunk

16-October-2014 Thursday
How to turn school into a holiday

15-October-2014 Wednesday
I decided to learn new words, maybe someone will be interested.

15-October-2014 Wednesday

11-October-2014 Saturday
Repair of the ND rotor of the steam turbine PT-60-90

30-September-2014 Tuesday
Where the babies come from

30-September-2014 Tuesday
Boiled!!! I want to work as a mechanic, for a lot of money.

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