ddimddim comments

[118] [2] [1]

27-March-2019 Wednesday
How a man opened a canteen - in the morning he fed the poor for free and how it turned out for him ...

25-March-2019 Monday
My acquaintance with "fems"

23-March-2019 Saturday
About entrepreneurship

12-March-2019 Tuesday

12-March-2019 Tuesday
"Killed them all, that's all"

11-March-2019 Monday
Cattle tourists 2.

07-March-2019 Thursday
On the creative tastes of the Minister of Culture.

05-March-2019 Tuesday
Absolutely intolerant story

02-March-2019 Saturday
The results of the launch of Crew Dragon with a dummy to the ISS.

02-March-2019 Saturday
Through the eyes of the driver. Filming from the cockpit

26-February-2019 Tuesday
The birth of an efficient owl

18-February-2019 Monday

16-February-2019 Saturday
Inside American Oncology Part 2

20-November-2018 Tuesday
Black Friday in Russian

[118] [2] [1]
