ddd0ggg posts

01-March-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post "And so I found out"

24-December-2022 Saturday
Reply to the post "Metro theater of the absurd"

04-November-2022 Friday
Response to the post "Incomprehensible situation with payment in the metro St. Petersburg"

25-August-2022 Thursday
PsychoLoner's response to "Pull Up"

13-October-2021 Wednesday
Masterpiece description from the post

25-September-2021 Saturday
Reply to the post: "Family, just dysfunctional"

23-June-2021 Wednesday
Response to the post "Rotavirus in the Black Sea (why are the authorities silent?)"

27-February-2021 Saturday
Departure/arrival board on the bus

15-February-2021 Monday
What useless collections do you have?

25-July-2020 Saturday
I will give away the medicine Salofalk 1000 mg

13-December-2019 Friday

29-August-2019 Thursday
Life hack. Adjustment of ventilation in new RZD trains.

24-August-2019 Saturday
The rise of the Moskvoretskaya tower of the Kremlin

03-November-2017 Friday
Like a pineapple!

21-June-2017 Wednesday
How to answer promotional calls

30-March-2017 Thursday
About authorized service centers.
