dcbwkef comments

[4] [2] [1]

14-December-2020 Monday
Post #7894049

18-October-2020 Sunday
Married Test! Do they shine in your eyes after 22-00?

07-July-2020 Tuesday
When did Blizzard realize that all the wars in their games are racial?

30-June-2020 Tuesday
On antidepressants

30-June-2020 Tuesday
Trump retweeted video of couple pointing guns at protesters

26-June-2020 Friday
In the best traditions of "South Central"

25-June-2020 Thursday
Is this possible?

24-June-2020 Wednesday
About first love

22-June-2020 Monday
Did you know about this? I think no...

13-June-2020 Saturday
A selection of unsuccessful orders on the Internet

16-January-2020 Thursday
Bravery and stupidity

19-December-2019 Thursday
At a rest stop

16-December-2017 Saturday
Request for moral help

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