11-August-2024 Sunday
What's the creepiest thing you saw on a first date?
11-August-2024 Sunday
Why is it hard to leave an abuser?
11-August-2024 Sunday
The excess weight hasn't conquered yet
11-August-2024 Sunday
Please help me find a book as a gift for my mother’s birthday!
11-August-2024 Sunday
Need your help
11-August-2024 Sunday
My 2009
11-August-2024 Sunday
Just thoughts
11-August-2024 Sunday
Working. Is it possible to stretch it?
10-August-2024 Saturday
Is it possible to put up with lies?
10-August-2024 Saturday
10-August-2024 Saturday
Things from the trash. Good or bad?
10-August-2024 Saturday
About beer
10-August-2024 Saturday
British Panin on steroids
10-August-2024 Saturday
I give up
10-August-2024 Saturday
115 images sent to aliens
10-August-2024 Saturday
“Find yourself a hobby,” or a response to haters
09-August-2024 Friday
09-August-2024 Friday
And this happens
07-August-2024 Wednesday
And if Harry Potter were a girl... And this girl would go back in time to find and kill Voldemort there
07-August-2024 Wednesday
A story as old as time