best comments
Cool frozen cat
The UAZ flew over the red one, rammed the VAZ, and then fled the scene of the accident. But the driver with the DVR showed a civil position! Respect!
Good post
Cool frozen cat
Kote is sleeping
It works
Milk packaging that changes color when it expires
Police fired on the "Porsche" with numbers 666 in Moscow
This is a beard-ah-ah-ah-ah.....!!!! Novorossiysk.
The client's warranty computer broke down. Calling the service center....
Upper left arm not working
Cool frozen cat
The client's warranty computer broke down. Calling the service center....
The client's warranty computer broke down. Calling the service center....
System "Antiboyan"
An original acquaintance with a girl using a radio-controlled car
Once upon a time in Krasnodar
Fine trolling master class from Dmitry Nagiev.
If there is a paradise in the world, then this is the Krasnodar Territory
An original acquaintance with a girl using a radio-controlled car
System "Antiboyan"
Help yourself!
The client's warranty computer broke down. Calling the service center....
Find a photographer... or a photo with a cat
Find a photographer... or a photo with a cat
Find a photographer... or a photo with a cat
Nizhny Tagil Xerox Xerox
It's lovely....
Unicorns put cons. The rest - vote. Stop breaking us completely. HOLIVAR IS COMING!!!
System "Antiboyan"
System "Antiboyan"
Cool frozen cat
Cool frozen cat
Cool frozen cat
Cool frozen cat
System "Antiboyan"
Everyone did this when they were kids!