cxpoh comments

30-September-2021 Thursday
New workshop - new challenges

03-September-2021 Friday
Lost "chicken" knife in the woods. I don't really hope, but what if?

10-September-2020 Thursday
[Lineage 2] The truth about the 7 seals. Part 1: The Untold Story

24-January-2020 Friday
Bravecto tablet. Our first experience

29-November-2019 Friday
Focus failed

29-March-2019 Friday
An anti-vaccinator asks on Facebook how to protect her unvaccinated three-year-old daughter from a measles epidemic.

19-February-2019 Tuesday
Beware of scammers! SNILS.

15-February-2019 Friday
Seal, seal v2

28-January-2019 Monday
When Mom Doesn't Appreciate

21-November-2018 Wednesday
Refrigerator selection

10-August-2018 Friday
sps delivery service
