cubajas comments, page 2

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19-September-2016 Monday
Catch an olive, or Escape from Tarkov for 5 thousand.

17-September-2016 Saturday
Civilization Builder - pre-alpha

14-September-2016 Wednesday
Winter (Comic by Owlturd)

08-September-2016 Thursday
Police girl finds perpetrator who raped her as a child

10-August-2016 Wednesday
About the elite top-top manager

09-August-2016 Tuesday
If the song was about what happens in the video

30-June-2016 Thursday
Oh those professionals...

02-June-2016 Thursday
Drawing with colored pencils.

19-May-2016 Thursday
It's time to quit smoking!

25-April-2016 Monday
The evolution of the worldview

18-April-2016 Monday
Patterns of development of self-organizing systems

15-April-2016 Friday
Laws of systems development (part 1)

08-April-2016 Friday
Horizons of strong thinking

03-April-2016 Sunday
How do I deal with collectors?

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