worst comments
The Swedes have passed the baton
In Lipetsk there is a mass extermination of dogs!!!!
Motorcyclists are rabble...
The Swedes have passed the baton
There are normal men across the ocean, it turns out
Didn't fit
In Lipetsk there is a mass extermination of dogs!!!!
In Lipetsk there is a mass extermination of dogs!!!!
Russia. Krasnodar region . Slavyansky district
Am I an asshole?
Oleg, such Oleg ...
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
chance and probability
chance and probability
I don't understand something...
The tax office sucks too...
There is currently no such service...
And today I passed the scooter
In Lipetsk there is a mass extermination of dogs!!!!
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
Reply to the post "Where's the butt?!?"
chance and probability
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
There are normal men across the ocean, it turns out
I don't understand something...
Famous Israeli artists spoke at a rally against Israel's special operation in Iran
Phone scammers know how to be offended
Oleg, such Oleg ...
Oleg, such Oleg ...
To destroy the crisis - you need to destroy capitalism (C) Comrade Stalin
Oleg, such Oleg ...
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
Didn't fit
Railroads in the USA
Reply to the post "Equality!"
Response to the post "In the suburbs, a drunken Tajik beat up the manager of Wildberries after refusing to get to know him better"
chance and probability
chance and probability
chance and probability
chance and probability
chance and probability
chance and probability
chance and probability
chance and probability
chance and probability
Colon or dash?
This is true
Their manners
Aleksandr.3636's answer to "Oskar Kuchera is a brave man"
How did they hesitate
Patriotic education of youth
On behalf of the living and the dead
Response to the post "There is a mass extermination of dogs in Lipetsk!!!!"
And today I passed the scooter
"Peaceful protest
Dementia, and courage does not smell
Kazakhstan introduced a driver's license for electric scooters
"Titanic did not collide with an iceberg", or how myths are born
The answer to the post "Doctors, well, you pi ....!"
Inflation and real incomes of the population
Have not lost their sense of humor over the years of living together
Monument to Pushkin to be demolished in Riga
Monument to Pushkin to be demolished in Riga
I increasingly understand that the United States is not who it claims to be
Reply to "Loneliness and Despair"
In the suburbs, a drunken Tajik beat the manager of Wildberries after refusing to get to know him better
To destroy the crisis - you need to destroy capitalism (C) Comrade Stalin
To destroy the crisis - you need to destroy capitalism (C) Comrade Stalin
Oleg, such Oleg ...
Oleg, such Oleg ...