cryackerson comments

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25-December-2019 Wednesday
But the ingenuity works, it’s a pity in the wrong direction

25-December-2019 Wednesday
You can’t do without the help of a psychic here.

25-December-2019 Wednesday
Good motivation to grow and pump up

22-December-2019 Sunday
And they also say that I'm not interested in anything

22-December-2019 Sunday
Another guy *says the same joke, only louder* - everyone laughs

21-December-2019 Saturday
And so every time

21-December-2019 Saturday
Eternal memory to your nervous system

20-December-2019 Friday
Video games make us violent

20-December-2019 Friday
Crap! I hope no one saw...

20-December-2019 Friday
That feeling when you make history

20-December-2019 Friday
How wonderful it is to finally stay at home with your loved one, eat pizza and watch all the seasons of Dr. House in a row.

20-December-2019 Friday
An introvert's childhood

15-December-2019 Sunday
You never know what form your death will take.

14-December-2019 Saturday
How would I dress if I had money for clothes?

14-December-2019 Saturday
Why do all my peers want to leave Russia?

06-December-2019 Friday
School bullying. What to do if your classmates bully you

04-December-2019 Wednesday
Why lingualeo is not suitable for intermediates and above

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