best comments
When I got a new job
I read posts about American and British schools, so I'll tell you about the Austrian one.
"My boyfriend is an oilfield developer - this is what he brought home from work yesterday"
Proper trigger release
Suck in - you won't get out (((
Suck in - you won't get out (((
Construction battalion weapon :P
All animals can be friendly
I know that you read peekaboo.
I know that you read peekaboo.
Motorists will understand
How I was looking for a job. (All names have been changed)
Marvel is true to tradition
I do not understand.
Cyclist tan
Suspicious resemblance
League of Diggers, help identify items
League of Diggers, help identify items
Cookie VDVshnik
There is definitely something hidden behind this wall.
another t-shirt :)
This lady needs no introduction :7
League of Diggers, help identify items
At the dentist
The very essence
Deal with it
Cords jokes jokes)
star pop wars episode 7
When you leave the hall
Summer is the time for fishing and hunting!
Summer is the time for fishing and hunting!
Car audio
Incident at work, or how to live further
6 years of art school and Batman turns into Whatman
Very Potter Musicals!