chymenik comments, page 33

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13-November-2019 Wednesday
Who lives at the bottom of the ocean

28-August-2019 Wednesday
No, what can I say)

27-August-2019 Tuesday
The author of a pseudoscientific doctrine threatens to prosecute the blogger who released the exposing video

07-August-2019 Wednesday
Fought for the life of a teenager before the arrival of doctors

05-August-2019 Monday
How to repay a debt (life hack)

04-August-2019 Sunday
Where to go to work?

05-July-2019 Friday
Proud of my wife

05-July-2019 Friday
Very important call

02-July-2019 Tuesday
Organ Compatibility Mystery

16-June-2019 Sunday
The Moscow authorities spent almost 40 million rubles on the FIFA 19 tournament, which was attended by about ten people.

16-June-2019 Sunday
Let's look from the other side

14-June-2019 Friday
They eat.

23-May-2019 Thursday
The Yekaterinburg diocese saw the bias of the VTsIOM survey

21-December-2018 Friday
Feel at IKEA like at home!

19-December-2018 Wednesday
Smoking hurts... really hurts.

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