best comments
Well, if necessary, I’ll beat her myself
When the client is your close friend
Who are these people, “relatives”?
Intriguing Thai advertisement
And once again about childish spontaneity
How to lose 16 kg in a month
On the wave of unsuccessful hints
Golden teacher
Less and less every day
Sketches about makeup artist clients
A little joy
Who are these people, “relatives”?
Reply to the post “Just like that”
How I bought a hat
Domogarov refused to go on stage because of Efremov
My story of non-betrayal in the family and the example of my parents
Equality of men and women before the law according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation
The secret of long-term family relationships from the father
THE LAST WISH by A. Rubtsov from the narrator NECROPHOS
Child psychologist
Reply to the post “A wonderful neighbor has moved into our house”
The best way to pay
Equality of men and women before the law according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation
Nightmare of a prophetic dream
Domogarov refused to go on stage because of Efremov
Also about childish spontaneity
When do we begin to appreciate life?
In words you are Leo Tolstoy, but in deeds you are Sergei Shnurov)
Sorry, but we don’t hire “old people”
Lifehack against rudeness
The acquaintance didn't work out
Clear sky - part 1
This is victory!
Money and child
Sberbank. Insured 2000 rubles for 1200 rubles
What kind of whining, young people?!
Ball pen
Reply to the post “Trust in a hotel”
Who did remote control harm?
How to carefully kill an ambulance
On the wave of unsuccessful hints
“From the hut to the palace” - how the Eliseev merchants became the richest dynasty in the 19th century
Beware, scammers. How can money be stolen from a card? A method that, unfortunately, was not written about anywhere
Personnel decides everything 3
A simple story about a prescription and a pharmacy
It's hard to understand a teenager
It's hard to understand a teenager
Evil DR fundraisers
Destruction in the heads.
The store that paid me for my purchases
Reply to the post “Your own business”
On the wave of unsuccessful hints
Anti-pedagogical activities
Money and child
Recommend a movie for a lonely person in New York
Dedicated to the passing year
Old songs in a new way part 50
About gifts
About dating
Lifehack against rudeness
I once told a grown man to go to hell
Reply to the post "Brilliant"
Typical day
Who are these people, “relatives”?
Be healthy
Little nothings of life
Little nothings of life
Russian roulette
Advantages of a personal car
About 200 municipal deputies opposed amendments to the Constitution
Dead Man Three Hundred Twenty Four
It's hard to understand a teenager
The secret of long-term family relationships from the father
The Gloomy Master (short story)
The most tragic mistakes are mistakes of upbringing
Reply to the post “Trust in a hotel”
Reply to the post “Monument to Alyonka or gouge out my eyes!”
On the wave of unsuccessful hints
On the wave of unsuccessful hints
Graffiti (as well as street art) can decorate walls, not disfigure them #120
Graffiti (as well as street art) can decorate walls, not disfigure them #120
Reply to the post “How 80,000 rubles were stolen from my VTB account”
31th of December
6 ways to quit smoking in 2021
Smooth heels
Smart packaging
Old songs in a new way part 50
Depression in a loved one
Reply to the post “Believe me or not”
Skorov's stories #163: I'm not pregnant!
Beggars at a gas station
How I tried to find the owner of the phone and how people tried to buy it from me
Childhood resentment for life
Terrible revenge
Well, if necessary, I’ll beat her myself
Money and child
Keanu Reeves turns 56
Everything is relative
A device has been created in Japan that imitates the taste of any food.
The secret of long-term family relationships from the father
News #1100: Men and women dealt with their fear of spiders differently
A little joy
A little joy
Advantages of a personal car
About dating
Bad film adaptations piss me off
Personnel decides everything
Unpleasant practice with dismissal
Little nothings of life
Part time work for food
Reply to the post “Nightmare of a prophetic dream”
Reply to the post “Nightmare of a prophetic dream”
Who are these people, “relatives”?
Be healthy
About dating
Little nothings of life
My story of non-betrayal in the family and the example of my parents
Hodgkin's lymphoma 4B. Symptoms, diagnosis
Availability kills desire
Advantages of a personal car
Reply to the post “Trust in a hotel”
A little joy
It's hard to understand a teenager
Residents of the fifth dimension. Part - 4
Types of psychological/psychiatric disorders #1
It's hard to understand a teenager
It's hard to understand a teenager
The secret of long-term family relationships from the father
The secret of long-term family relationships from the father
Reply to the post “Business on tires”
Stay home, but come visit us
Army stories #2. How not to pack a parachute
When there's no way out
Reply to the post “Got it?”
No brain, consider yourself a cripple
Mangaka Ken Akamatsu criticized the decision of the producers of “The Simpsons” to invite voice actors based on race
How I got on Vietnamese TV
A dose of courage
A person can be put into the same hibernation as a bear
Dialogues with patients
Reply to the post “Trust in a hotel”
Feeling of comfort and peace
Feeling of comfort and peace
More than salary
How I bought a hat
In words you are Leo Tolstoy, but in deeds you are Sergei Shnurov)
We decorate the Christmas tree
Happy New Year!
6 ways to quit smoking in 2021
Reply to the post "Dispute"
How I bought a hat
Reply to the post “Just like that”
What happened to the favorite cartoons that had sequels: from “Bremenskie” to “Well, wait a minute!”
About the funeral
Anti-pedagogical activities
Who are these people, “relatives”?
Walk around the outskirts of Novorossiysk
Sorry, but we don’t hire “old people”
Interesting photos of the 90s (part 25)
Interesting photos of the 90s (part 25)
And one more jamb of layout
How to carefully kill an ambulance
That's all. Farewell...
Kaliningrad. European city in the Russian expanses
The night before the fall
First subscriber
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Scarf with Harry Potter
Older brother
Your eyes when you were running for cookies and they forced you to learn English
Your eyes when you were running for cookies and they forced you to learn English
Your eyes when you were running for cookies and they forced you to learn English
Your eyes when you were running for cookies and they forced you to learn English
Your eyes when you were running for cookies and they forced you to learn English
Your eyes when you were running for cookies and they forced you to learn English
We love everyone equally
We love everyone equally
We love everyone equally
I don't understand
Post deleted
Post deleted
The acquaintance didn't work out
How to read well
Be careful when registering your child. Especially with a name
News #1100: Men and women dealt with their fear of spiders differently
Personnel decides everything
Reply to the post “Trust in a hotel”
Stormy winds on Lake Erie
Terrible revenge
They will come... chapter one
Full namesake
Fun arrangement)
In the Rostov region, a school was surrounded by barbed wire
Exquisite compliment
Animated film Creator
How to raise a silent ninja?
How I bought a hat
The most tragic mistakes are mistakes of upbringing
The most tragic mistakes are mistakes of upbringing
Happy birthday!
Covid and a flawless system
Murders by announcement
One more good thing on the road
Meanwhile, in the outback (near Suzdal)
Advise where to go to work
How to raise a silent ninja?
Lords of Madness. Chapter 9/10. (Long post. To be continued...possibly)
Kindness must multiply
Kindness must multiply
Pool and bad boy
Which Pikabu have we lost? And what kind do we have now?
Keanu Reeves turns 56
The insidious mephedrone. Loss of a loved one. Flashbacks
Happy birthday!
Amazing people - frontline soldiers
Amazing people - frontline soldiers
What are you???
The secret of long-term family relationships from the father
"Daughters and mothers" of our time
Teilite. Part nine. Epilogue (that is, the end, breathe a sigh of relief!)
Teilite. Part nine. Epilogue (that is, the end, breathe a sigh of relief!)
Teilite. Part nine. Epilogue (that is, the end, breathe a sigh of relief!)
Teilite. Part nine. Epilogue (that is, the end, breathe a sigh of relief!)
Teilite. Part nine. Epilogue (that is, the end, breathe a sigh of relief!)
It's hard to understand a teenager