best comments
I died at 15
I died at 15
How chairs, tables and lampshades are grown
It's only cool in the movies
Intoxication, as it really is.
I died at 15
I died at 15
I died at 15
Farewell, pranksters.
Anger post
7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Play DotA
Summer vacation...
Interesting facts part VII
No longer toys, or "Someone does not want to die to the end"
"The size of the entire motherboard with CPU, GPU, RAM, etc. in the new Macbook"
90 letters
An interesting Swedish band combining industrial, dubstep and drum 'n' bass
NASA received signals from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, or an invitation to the comet.
I died at 15
To the collection of a cheerful taxidermist
Long post about engines.
"What is your evidence?" What is evidence in court? Part 1
About how I studied English and succeeded in it (Part 2)
Confession m * duck.
Selective screening in the subway
No longer toys, or "Someone does not want to die to the end"
I died at 15
The bear is a cannibal.
"The size of the entire motherboard with CPU, GPU, RAM, etc. in the new Macbook"
Knife carrosion
A little reflection
Eureka and euphoria #1.
Out of depression and beyond.
My Art
Daniel Keyes "Flowers for Algernon"
Demon of Slaanesh
Apparently the dealer is not very good.
What to do?
Notes of the patient No. 1.
About pedestrian crossings and stupid people.
I'll just leave it here...
A small survey on the relationship of people.
How to win an argument?
Demon of Slaanesh
Long post about engines.
Long post about engines.
I died at 15
Out of depression and beyond.
We are all dead.
Virtualization for the little ones. Test mode of information submission.
The help of those who are not indifferent is needed!
You wouldn’t go, son, to musicians .. or how I bought a guitar.
My Voiceover on TV!
Why do cute kids grow up to be such bastards?
I want to talk about God, atheism and faith in God.
The bear is a cannibal.
Toys are not toys.
I died at 15
The bear is a cannibal.
No longer toys, or "Someone does not want to die to the end"
No longer toys, or "Someone does not want to die to the end"
Full cover washed down here)
About the moments of "growing up" in the true sense of the word.
Triptych drawing
Meow cat. Another short sketch.
What do you remember from the old internet?
My work place
Original bicycle rim lighting
Dmitry Enteo.
Yoga for very beginners.
Eureka and euphoria #1.
Please help me find the movie
Congratulate me, I finally bought this miracle !!!
Someone who understands high-quality sound, tell me, please
Greetings from the USSR
A little about 3D printing.
A little about 3D printing.
I died at 15
morning quest
I'll try to give good people food for thought.
My first job (Lumia 530)
About the new year alone
N - failure
A little pull-up hack
Help techies to the humanities!
3D printing: How I met the most awesome tech support and how we bought a 3D printer
Help with advice please
Help me remember the book
About perfection.
Innopolis, or how I did not write a diploma