worst comments
Petersburgers have already come up with a new name for the bridge.
Petersburgers have already come up with a new name for the bridge.
Petersburgers have already come up with a new name for the bridge.
Petersburgers have already come up with a new name for the bridge.
This is ...
Emergency Krasnoyarsk - let everyone know the killer, who is likely to go completely unpunished.
There are Key Keepers capable of rebooting the entire Internet
We bet you laugh!
A little about summer holidays
Cold war
The moment when I was wildly sad.
Dog Venom
All kinds of professions are needed ...
Emergency Krasnoyarsk - let everyone know the killer, who is likely to go completely unpunished.
I fucking hate gypsies.
The emperor
On the programmer's day about pikabu logic