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21-July-2015 Tuesday
All in bright colors

20-June-2015 Saturday
A childhood dream has come true!

19-June-2015 Friday
These are the nishtyaki embroidered by the wife.

18-June-2015 Thursday
Comparison of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 graphics

25-May-2015 Monday
May 24, the consequences of hail in the Nizhny Novgorod region

11-April-2015 Saturday
Mellisa Clarke

19-March-2015 Thursday

23-January-2015 Friday
Without moms, dads and loans =)

06-January-2015 Tuesday
I cleaned my computer yesterday.

03-November-2014 Monday
Photo toning

11-October-2014 Saturday

09-October-2014 Thursday
New animation format

13-June-2014 Friday
Here is such a krutoten burned out the other day. Decided to show off

31-May-2014 Saturday
Checking the sharpness of a knife

04-May-2014 Sunday

20-April-2014 Sunday
Basics of C++. Lesson 1.

24-March-2014 Monday
Good morning!

20-February-2014 Thursday
Slightly missed the candy doll

21-November-2013 Thursday
The cat chose the wrong place to lie down...

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