02-October-2020 Friday
Take the grandmothers to the forest to pick porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms in the mushroom meadows!

01-October-2020 Thursday
Harvesting Yalta onions / Large onions Exhibition

30-September-2020 Wednesday
Pepper harvest 2020 / Greenhouse cleaning - winter is coming...

27-September-2020 Sunday
Autumn walk in the Siberian forest: forest, river, mushrooms and beautiful scenery

26-September-2020 Saturday
Digging potatoes in an abandoned plot

25-September-2020 Friday
Harvesting carrots and preparing them for storage

20-September-2020 Sunday
It's mushroom time - there are so many boletus mushrooms that you can't carry them away!

19-September-2020 Saturday
Our beloved PAW!

18-September-2020 Friday
A restless cat, and a huntress too!!!
