best comments
Merging Pokemon.
20 years of mutual understanding
What would Game of Thrones characters look like if they were walkers?
How to get web from spiders
I can't figure out what to call it
Elvis. Or the story of my cat
Until Barak sees =)
A dog named Cabin.
20 years of mutual understanding
Until Barak sees =)
A dog named Cabin.
20 years of mutual understanding
Merging Pokemon.
A dog named Cabin.
"How many goldfish can you place on your cat before she wakes up?"
My pet magpie Tori.
Pikabu, it's my birthday today!
Pikabu, it's my birthday today!
This guy saves owls, one of them is very afraid of open space, so he always follows his savior)
Pikabu, it's my birthday today!
Gorgeous artist Robert DeJesus
A dog named Cabin.
Cool projection at the beginning of the match
Just a cute yakuza saying that everything will be fine.
I don't know what it is, but I like it
"good" cosplay =)
Gorgeous artist Robert DeJesus
The Empire Strikes Back
Pikabu, it's my birthday today!
My grandfather and his hobby
Happy birthday
In support of the "My" tag, I share my pet.
Pikabu, it's my birthday today!
Pikabu, it's my birthday today!
border guards did not allow the flight with Yanukovych to take off